Saturday, November 21, 2009

when was watching Sponge's Bob Square Pants on Tv suddenly my housmaid came to me then she said "de, there's a call for you from your english course" i was just curious what was happened. i didn't forget to pay the cycle anyway.

me : "hallo"
alit: "this's me alit from TBI. your teacher asked me to give you the information about monday test"
me : "WHAT? what kind of test?" (i was not readdy at all)
alit: "the eighth level test"
me : "how it could be so fast!"
alit: "hahaha yes miss. time goes fast. i'm sorry the teacher didn't tell you yesterday. so i have to call you up one by one"
me : "hmm okay thanks anyway"

as fast as i could i sent goji a message and asked him for any advices.
you know, he got 100 score for speaking!!! damn cool, wasn't it?!


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